Choosing a rammer/vibrating plate - application, varieties and tips

Principle of working

Rammers and vibrating plates aim to achieve a certain density on a given land surface. This type of equipment quickly and easily compresses various types of flooring to the desired level.

In order to achieve the desired result, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the type of object and its peculiarities, if any, before starting work. Be careful not to allow excessive compaction, which in turn can destabilize the structure of the object.

Types of rammers

According to the type of work, the offered compacting machines are mainly divided into two types: rammer (the lightest model, with great impact) and vibrating plate (forward working or reversible vibrating plates). They are available in different varieties – according to the size of the plate and the force of the impact.  Smaller models are characterized by easier manoeuvrability.

трамбовка пачи крак
Vibrating plate
трамбовка тип плоча


Rammers and vibrating plates are most often used for compacting different types of earth masses and soils. They can also be used on crushed concrete. Their main purpose is achieving a solid foundation and density according to the type of material you are compacting.

Choosing a rammer and a vibrating plate according to the type of the job site (soil)

An important condition before starting the actual work is determining the terrain on which work will be done. If the soil of the given site is more clayey, then we recommend that you use a rammer. In terrain with larger particles, a vibrating plate will fix the so-called “granules“ through its greater impact power.
Избор на трамбовка, спрямо вида на обекта почвата
When you need to ram a small area of gravel, then a rammer is the right choice.

Be precise in the selection of equipment to save yourself time, effort and unnecessary expense.

Choosing a rammer and a vibrating plate, according to the size and features of the job site

In addition to considering the type of ground surface, the size of the site also plays a role, as does whether you will be tamping over pipes or similar facilities. For example, if the object you need to compact is larger, then we recommend that you rent a reversible vibrating plate. The advantage of the reversible vibrating plate is the ability to work in two directions (forward and backward), as well as the greater impact force.

If you are working on a site with a sewer network, then we advise you to choose a rammer with a lighter impact to avoid possible damage to the installed water pipes or other equipment.
Избор на трамбовка, спрямо размера и особеностите на обекта

When tamping cement pavers, use a rubber pad to protect them from chipping and damage.

Tamping asphalt also has its specifics – you should provide a water tank to prevent material from sticking to the machine.

Safety measures and equipment transport

Compacting machines are a type of heavy equipment, with non-standard dimensions, which requires specifics in delivery and loading and unloading activities. If you do not have your own equipment and you are going to rent a rammer or a vibratoty plate- make sure that the site where you will work has the necessary machinery to load and unload it. If you do not have one, request a transport tailored to the specifics of the machine.

When talking about heavy equipment, be careful and follow safety measures. Always use protective clothing when working and follow the instructions for the correct operation of the machine.

Types of rammers and vibrating plates offered by Stroyrent

Stroyrent offers the most wanted rammer for rent. You can take a look and familiarize yourself with the application of each of them.

Rent a rammer or a vibrating plate?

You have already familiarized yourself with the types of rammers and vibrating plates, their application and the possibilities they offer. If you wish to rent this type of machine, you can contact any of the Stroyrent warehouses to pick up or reserve a selected model.

Take a look at all our sites located throughout the country, from which you can rent a rammer, vibrating plate or other type of equipment.

If you need additional information or advice when choosing, do not hesitate to ask our team for assistance.


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