Stroyrent supports the charity initiative ”One Child's Smile”

The event is being held this Saturday at 20:00 in the village of Lozen

Stroyrent is among the general sponsors of the charity event in the village of Lozen this Saturday.

The event is entitled “One child's smile“ and will be held in the form of a concert on July 13 in the “Krasteto“ in the village of Lozen.

Through it, the organizers raise funds for disabled children, orphans, half-orphans and families with children in a difficult situation.

Stroyrent will provide free of charge the necessary fence for the needs of the event, as well as the construction of a stage on which dozens of native musicians will perform in support of this noble cause.

“Lozen helps” is a platform created by young people who want to help the elderly and children in need.

In addition to this initiative, the creators periodically support disadvantaged people.

„Our mission is to expand our charity activities to all corners of Bulgaria! To help as many elderly people and children in need as possible“,  the organizers also shared.

For more information, you can contact “Lozen helps” on their Facebook page or by phone: 0877 955 958.

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