JLG agricultural telehandler for rent

price for
One day7 days20 days30 days
9 m / 3.5 tons
8 m / 3.5 tons
7 m / 3.7 tons
7 m / 3.5 tons
7 m / 3 tons
6 m /3.7 tons
6 m / 3 tons
6 m /2.9 tons
Prices per day in BGN without VAT for a period

Technical specification

Product code3206632059321333206132058321193212232064
Model3509350837073507307370630006 H2906
Load capacity, kg35003500370035003000370030002900
Lifting height, m98777666
Horizontal outreach, m4,54,403,543,603,401,503,30
Attachments bucket, forks, waste grab, hook, bale fork, crane extension, man basketbucket, forks, waste grab, hook, bale fork, crane extensionbucket, forks, waste grab, hook, bale forkbucket, forks, waste grab, hook, bale forkbucket, forks, waste grab, hook, bale forkbucket, forks, waste grab, hook, bale forkbucket, forks, waste grab, hook, bale forkbucket, forks, waste grab, hook, bale fork
Transport dimensions L/W/H, m5.62 x 2.38 x 2.455.30 x 2.38 x 2.455.15 x 2.40 x 2.494.80 x 2.33 x 2.454.92 x 2.30 x 2.354.62 x 2.40 x 2.424.40 x 2.10 x 2.254.32 x 2.11 x 2.35
Weight, kg86007400860081007500820063006700
JLG agricultural telehandlers have high off-road ability, maneuverability and compact dimensions. They are suitable for various types of loading and unloading activities mainly in agriculture, but they can also be used on construction sites without any problems.
Each of the telehandlers can be used with various types of attachment devices, such as: bucket, forks, bale fork, waste grab, basket for people, hook.

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